Dedicated to training and assisting women in business or those who want to start a business.

30% Discount on QuickBooks

Intuit is working hard to bring Small Business influencers the best accounting solution with an exclusive discount. They are offering a 30% discount on QuickBooks Pro, QuickBooks Premier or QuickBooks Online to our WBC Clients..  Discount is only valid by calling (800) 498-7401 ext. 1478 to place your order and be sure to mention WBC when you call to get…

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Coffee, Conversation & Counseling

Have questions? Just need to talk about a problem with your business? Join us ANY THURSDAY for Coffee, Conversation & Counseling  starting June 2, 2016. No appointment necessary.  Just stop in and have coffee with us and get your questions answered! Time: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm Where: WBC of NYS Office, Radisson Hotel Conference Centre, 200 Genesee Street, Utica, NY


The Women’s Business Center of New York State is providing the tools and resources necessary to help women entrepreneurs launch and expand successful companies in our communities. We provide services to area women entrepreneurs at every stage of business development through one on one counseling, either in person, online or telephone by offering training events, networking, and  mentoring opportunities. Take the…

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